What is PSSA Sport?
PSSA stands for Primary Schools Sports Association.
Schools across Sydney and NSW are organised into zone groups and have the opportunity to be included in a wide range of sports.
Each school can apply to be included in the inter-school competitions within their zone area, with Fridays being the nominated day for schools to play each other.
Kenthurst Public School is part of the Ridges Zone PSSA competitions group.
Opportunities for students In Years 3-6 to participate in sport and physical activity are offered at local schools with a progressive representative pathway provided through to national level. The NSW School Sport Unit promotes participation, sport skill development and excellence for all students.
Why play a PSSA Sport?
There are many advantages to your child being part of a PSSA team.
It gives them an opportunity to play a team sport where they learn valuable teamwork skills. Through this process they make new friendships with children that may not be in their class or their grades.
Children also have the chance to learn how to play a game that they may not participate in on the weekend. They have the feeling of pride in representing our school and the opportunity to travel to a venue on a weekly basis to play against other schools in our area. The sports use a wide range of skills students have learnt in school sport such as throwing, catching, hitting, kicking. These skills can then be put into practise in the game situation.
What PSSA sports do Kenthurst Public School participate in?
PSSA Winter - Friday morning
· Netball
· Newcombe Ball
· Soccer
PSSA Summer - Friday Morning
· Cricket
· T-Ball/ Softball
· NRL Tag
* Teams are formed each year depending on numbers to form a team.
What are the costs to be part of a PSSA Team?
Teams that travel by bus have to pay the bus cost for the season.
For information about the Zone PSSA competition, including draws, please refer to this page: Ridges PSSA